Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 2 - Senedd



Meeting date:
4 February 2015


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Siân Phipps
Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565






Pre-meeting (in private) (09.15-09.25)



1    Co-investment in Skills Inquiry - Scoping Paper (in private)

(09.25-09.45) (Pages 1 - 5)


Attached Documents:

Co-investment in skills scoping paper



2    Introductions, apologies and substitutions



3    Wales and Borders Rail Franchise Follow-up Scrutiny (09.45-10.45) (Pages 6 - 20)

Professor Stuart Cole, Emeritus Professor of Transport, Wales Transport Research Centre, University of South Wales



Attached Documents:

Research Brief



Break (10.45-11.00)



4    Wales and Borders Rail Franchise Follow-up Scrutiny (11.00-12.00) (Pages 21 - 23)

Edwina Hart, Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

James Price, Director General, Economy, Science and Transport


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-04-14 (p.1) Minister for EST - Wales and Borders Rail Franchise



De-brief (12.00-12.15)



5    Papers to note




5.1 The future of the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise - Submissions from Porterbrook and Angel Trains  (Pages 24 - 31)


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-04-15 (p.2) Porterbrook submission

EBC(4)-04-15 (p.2a) Angel Trains submission




5.2 Letter from Minister for Economy, Science and Transport to William Graham regarding Trade and Inward Investment  (Pages 32 - 33)

Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-04-15 (p.3) Minister for EST letter to William Graham
